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    Monday 8 April 2013

    I kissed a frog


    I kissed a frog.

    A friend from my past called me up recently and we decided to have a date as we caught up on what was going on in our otherwise busy and separate lives. As we chatted happily away an ex of mine passed by and since we were all mutual friends he came by to say hi. I hadn’t seen him for several years. Let just say, the minute he left I felt like throwing up the coffee that I had been drinking. My girlfriend understood purely why I was reacting so and the obvious question was “What in God’s name did you see in that guy?” How could I have wasted my six months of life with him?

    Over the years I have come to appreciate that it is indeed true that to get to your prince you need to kiss some and in some cases many frogs. The oxford dictionary describes a frog as a tailless amphibian with a short squat body, moist smooth skin, and very long hind legs for leaping.  That guy was not leaping but descriptively speaking he was a total frog and a slimy one at that. I try to stretch my memory backwards and wonder was my brain in order when I decided to date that guy?

    This particular frog was surely not my type; I don’t even know how it started. I must have been under the influence of something really strong. But that can’t be a viable argument for I remained with the frog for 6 months. Thank God I was younger and my impetus to indulge was nil. He was a career liar; nothing that came of his mouth save his name was true. And he gave stories that looked so real of how he was going to be the next big thing in innovation and to date he is still at it ( He tried to sneak in his latest innovation as he said hi to my Friend) . He did have a mouth on him and he knew how to use it. When we engaged in a conversation it excited my young mind, he could hold up a good conversation but it ended there.

    When my friend left me later at the coffee shop I sat and thought hard of all the frogs that have passed through my life and those that I know from my friend’s life and I felt odd. All those slimy characters are part of our world. I only felt at ease when I realized that indeed though the fellow was my frog he must be a prince to someone else. That said, I hope he changed-is changing- and that his hobby of spinning lies came to an end.

    I am sure when we look back into our lives there is/was an unexplainable frog(s). You can’t tell which rains dropped them at your door. Some are drunks, serial philanderers, dirty, perverts, irresponsible babies, cry babies, vain, damsels in distress and so on and so forth. The catch is when to let this frog go, when you have to break that chain of mediocrity and know that you are alone in that relationship and far from your prince.

    Let go off those frogs and focus in meeting Mr prince.


    Drop me a line on your frog.


    1. Sometimes digital technology lets us down so badly...my comments were lost somewhere between my keyboard and the screen! Thinking back on your views I'd hasten to add that sometimes it ends up that you kissed a toad and not a frog - I think toads are poisonous so you can imagine how that ends up, you'd get a witch or a sorcerer and not a prince/princess. Before the frog was a tadpole and before that an egg, after the frog whether a prince or prince emerges is always a gamble. How we approach the frog makes all the difference (so we don't end up with a toad) but once we've kissed that frog its really up in the air what we get...fingers crossed the approach was right and as a wise man or woman once said if we aim to be mr/miss right then we stand higher probability of getting mr/miss right!

    2. Potential is what made you stick for 6 months. He told you what you wanted to hear and that is what confuses most of us.

    3. Mrovernatic,
      Frog , toad both are too slimy for me.
      I never court with potential as a general rule of the thumb. Never again.



