Mama Ki had just dropped her kids at
school. She was running late to work like had been happening for months. Her
life for some reason seemed to be bursting at the seams- and she hadn’t been
handling it too well. She felt excessively fatigued and the walls in her life
were caving in on her. A sharp scream brought her back to reality. She alighted
from the car. It was her elder son screaming. She had almost run down over his
younger brother. She couldn’t believe it. She had almost reversed into her
youngest child. In her rush she hadn’t even moved from where she had dropped
them hence the near miss of a tragic accident. All she could do was kneel down
and start wailing as she comforted the distressed children. She hugged them for
half an hour as she apologized profusely. She called the head teacher and
excused her children from attending school that day. She went home with them
and calmed the poor souls down. Later during the day she wrote her resignation
letter. She said goodbye to employment.
He is crossing Uhuru park from
Serena hotel to get to Anniversary towers minding his own business. Then
something peculiar happens. A grown-up Chokora stops him “Boss nipe nare.” He
had been struggling with smoking for over one and a half decades. It had been periods
of stopping, then starting, then withdrawal symptoms, then pity but never
really stopping. On this one day, that he was not gaffing he is asked for a
light. Something in him ticks off: he gives the guy the matchbox he had and all
the cigarettes he had in his pocket. He never smoked another cigarette in his
She had been drinking excessively
that Friday. She decided against better judgment to drive under the heavy influence
of alcohol. She doesn’t know where the lady came from .She had to do a sobering
swerve on the road like she had never done before. She did not know her car had
such power. She didn’t hit the lady but she rolled over and rolled over and
then some more. The lady she almost hit got her help fast and she was saved
from the wreckage in time. She suffered only a broken hand and pain that was
quickly healed by pain killers. The day she saw what had been left of her car she
passed out. It was the last time she drank alcohol.
They had been dating close to two
years. They were alright but the girl had a feeling something was amiss.
Typical of our fast paced life she ignored it. She thought she had a too vivid
imagination. Then one day while going through a normal argument (she thought
actually the matter was getting unnecessary attention) he smashed her phone
into the wall and had a tirade of bitter ugly words to say about her, her
parents and friends. She was aghast and closed the door to that relationship tight.
That thing she had been feeling was for real.
crossroad is defined by the Oxford dictionary as” A point at which a crucial decision must be made which will
have far-reaching consequences” The examples
given above are extreme cases of how people make decisions at their crossroads.
Fortunately for them, the signs were extremely clear. And they had reached the point
in which they had to make a decision. Am sure it wasn’t easy.
The bible is littered with
examples of people who were given signs that they could not miss. The burning
bush, Jonah being swallowed by the shark, the death of Job’s children and building
of the ark e.t.c. In modern days we often see all manner of wars, global
warming and depletion of the natural resources bestowed upon us. Clear signs
that let us know that if we don’t do something about them, the outcome will be
of catastrophic proportions.
Some crossroads are subtle we
would have to use your whole body, brain and might to see them. The way our
child(ren) look at us when we are walking out of our homes, the crackling of our
knees when we walk, all our clothes no longer fitting, the never ending
fatigue, debt and aloneness among others. We are standing at a crossroad and we
don’t even know.
Then something triggers action
from us. A picture, a sudden and unexpected downpour of rain, the laughter of
children, reading a book, listening to a song, talking to a stranger, or just
sheer quietness. You are at the crossroad and have to cross the road at that
exact point. The consequences are always far reaching.
Then the realization hits you
that sometimes in life you cannot always define time in years, or friendship in
love, or wisdom in the number of years spent in school. That we just need to
lift one leg and place it in front of the other to start walking from our
crossroad intersection to the future which though might not be a guarantee is full
of hope and endless possibilities.
To all those at a crossroad like
me, I wish you well. I have my foot in front
of the other-I am starting my journey to new lands.
Inspirational article
ReplyDeleteThinking far,wide and high.
ReplyDeleteCross Roads indeed a necessary part of life, may we all make the right decisions when we hit our cross Roads.
ReplyDeleteTo Realize the crossroad is sobering, to gather the courage to make the first step is tough, to keep walking in the right decision is even tougher but to realize what you saved yourself from at the end of the journey is enchanting!