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    Tuesday 11 August 2015

    Running my lonely lovely sport

    Running is a very lonely sport and here, I speak for myself. I took a break from my normal running schedule sometimes last year. I just couldn’t get psyche to back to it. Then this year I tried to start again. I would run for two days then stop for a fortnight. Anyone who is familiar with the sport will tell you that for you to be successful at it you must catch a consistence rhythm.

    I spent a considerable amount of time planning and “unplanning” my time on the track. Thinking about my sports gear, whether my sports shoes were good enough and my hood warm enough. I agonized over the state of my hair after every run. On and on I went with the excuses-they kinda din’t make sense-. I just couldn’t bring myself to start running.

    A neighbor who we had run with before approached me in February and suggested that we get back on the track(He comes from one of those wonderful communities that run for 40 kilometers without breaking a sweat). We could psyche each other. Finally I got the encouragement I had been looking for. That particular Monday, I wore my running gear and got out. Let’s just say having been out of the track for more than six months, I walked through most of my run. My heart was literally running ahead of me. I could feel bitterness in my mouth. I was unfit. When I took a shower afterwards it was refreshing.

    And just like that I picked my rhythm. Since then I have been on the track thrice a week unless something really drastic happened and I couldn’t avoid it. It has been lovely. You see, when I run mostly I think and think hard. I pick a thought and let it simmer in my mind throughout the run. Look at it from all the angles that I can possibly do. I argue with myself until I reaches a logical conclusion or a point where I agree to disagree with myself.

    Sometimes people jeer and whistle at me. Sometimes kids and some grownups run with me- I have never understood their motives though. Once a woman cheered me “Keep strong, that’s a good thing you are doing.” And since I run at exactly the same time, I meet the same people and I could easily point them out in a crowd. I am sure they could do the same to me.

    Running is also very engaging like swimming. You use your feet, hands, and head and in my case heart which feels sometimes like combusting. As this is too much, it’s unlikely you will talk to anyone as you run. It’s just impossible. So you look forward and move like the devil is chasing you. One step after the other. And no matter how tired you feel you just keep moving.

    Hence my running continues. I am in competition with myself. I look forward to the day I will cover 5 kilometers every morning. I have faith that the day is coming sooner rather later. This year I am gearing towards tackling the Standard chartered marathon 10 kilometers at a decent speed and time. Next year it will be the half marathon, God willing.

    Did I say that my neighbor never ever joined me on the track? Maybe this is a psyche call to him………………………….

    Keep  moving, you might just beat the cold.

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