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    The safari of my life.

    Wednesday 1 October 2014

    Gratitude Challenge-My version.

    After escaping the gratitude challenge that had been doing its social rounds for awhile, thinking no one would nominate me, it caught up with me. I was nominated two times in the same week by my girls Mimi and Issa. I let the thought  simmer in my mind for awhile before putting down the 5 things am grateful for.


    This man has been wonderful to me or would I say merciful? So wonderful that he has given me several chances to be on this earth even when I didn’t deserve it at all. He has walked with me ,besides me and even sometimes carried me on his back in this life of mine. And the best thing is that he has not judged me even one bit for sometimes making the most absurd decisions. He has protected and provided for me even when I thought he ceased listening to me or I was too proud to ask. How can I not be grateful to him, always? And hence singing the song “ Pass me not Oh Gracious Saviour.….. Whilst on others though at calling, do not pass me by.”

    My daughter Angel

    The apple of my eye. This power dynamo came into my life, shook it up, shook it down and it has never been the same again. I suffered post postpartum depression after her and never realized until much much later. Our journey together has been epic. I grew up to adulthood as fast as I could to accommodate her then we started growing together. She brings laughter and joy to my heart and a hint of tears to my eyes.
    One lady visited me when Angel was born and told me “when you get children, the privacy in your life ends”. I thought it was an old wives tale. In all truthfulness she was extremely right. From the day I became a mother my home become open to many people.  They have never stopped coming. The visitors who came to visit Angel when younger, relatives, friends, the house helps I have hosted in my house, e.t.c. In fact this instantly cured my clean freakness. I could not possibly enforce it with all this human traffic.
    As she grew up and started playing with other children she made friends. And just like that I become a mother to many more. Every time I go home and find 7 more children in my house I smile to God, who knew what joy there is in children? And as I am grateful for and to Angel, I thank God for the opportunity to also be a mother to Roy, Di, Jason K, Jason P, Makena , Muthoni, Marcus, Naila, Maya, Ryan, Shiru among others. The list is endless.


    Like every other family our uniqueness is not question. We have our highs and our lows but we have always stuck together. It is not in doubt the sacrifices our parents made to ensure we got the best education and other things that we did not even deserve. Those bold steps and sacrifices they made make us whom we are today. When our Shosho passed on, as a family we were distraught but we came together tighter and stronger “I think she saw to it that nothing went wrong.” My siblings imperfect as I am try to be the best they can be. I love them to bits. Uncle Msai, thank you for being a father to the kids wink, wink. You know what I mean.


    The flowers of life. Some have been with me through my life, others through seasons and or events. They have made my life bearable. I am grateful for all the “gangs” that are my friends. Those who speak up and tell me the truth e.g “Stop being mediocre, stop the nonsense”.  I remember one who told me “I think you have made the biggest mistake of your life.” It became true. Those who look at me in the aspect of a dare devil and opt to keep quiet. Finally, the group that flows with me as I am. Thank you for taking your time to share with me your friendship- much appreciated. I wouldn’t put down your names here that would not do you justice. 


    Life has handed to me a mixture of everything I have been in plenty and in lack and now am content. In my 3 decades on this earth I have learnt all manner of lessons on my feet, on my knees and lying prostrate on the ground. I have laughed uncontrollably until I developed a cold. I have also cried until my tears run dry. But I keep the mantra, that you must give time, time. For every wound does finally heal. So am eternally grateful for the gift of resilience, of hard knock patience, of faith, of healing, of love, of hope and of forgiveness. I am eternally grateful to have walked down this journey. My journey.

    I invite all my friends to scratch their heads and be grateful for at least five things that our good God has bestowed on us.

    Thanks for reading my blog. 




