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    Wednesday 12 February 2014

    Its Valentines

    The year is 2005 this is our last semester in Campus. We are applying for jobs and looking for placements. Audit firms and other organizations are making their presentations and those who qualify are been picked. One lady had been recruited by one of the audit firms considered to be among the “big five”. One afternoon of a particular day after her successfully accepting the job her boyfriend walked into campus bearing not one, not a dozen but a basket full of roses. He was coming to congratulate his girl. He was a main campus student. He had used a matatu to come to Kabete. Since Kabete was a one major street campus-you guessed it-majority of us saw him and were amazed. And to date I have never forgotten that one act. And for the record they went ahead and got married years later.

    February is the month a lot of our men suffer from amnesia and dementia. They seem to forget that this month really exists on the calendar. And if they do remember, they rubbish and trash the world for its excesses on commercialization. I have made it my business to remind you of this day much to your chagrin. Valentines is two days away, you have a chance to make it happen. 

    A lot of men are disillusioned about the expectations of women. You seem not to understand very simple things about us. We cherish vanity. So much it makes happy. Many years ago in my business education classes we learnt about goods of obstinate value. Goods that don’t adhere to the demand and supply curve. This is what I am all about today. 

    For a moment keep aside all your prejudices, chauvinistic beliefs and the imagination that the boys are looking at you. Do you imagine that I (we) cannot buy flowers or chocolate for ourselves? I mean this would cost under 500/=. Do you imagine I (we) cannot walk into a clothing shop and buy lingerie? Do we ask for this things because we can’t buy them?

    A few years back, a male friend of mine bought me flowers in Westlands. We had come from a function together and were in the gridlock traffic at Westland’s around the mall. There was this gentleman selling roses who approached us. That was the last bunch he had and it was almost raining. He tells my friend:-

    Seller”Buda aki ni promote nunua hii ya mwisho”
    Seller”soo tatu”
    Friend”Whistles, Hiyo yote aahhh pelekea huyo Mzungu ako mbele yetu”
    Seller”Aaahh Boss nunulia mrembo maua hata wewe leo kuwa mzungu”
    Friend (The drizzle is increasing)” Mimi niko na 150/= kama hutaki nenda zako”
    Seller”Aiih Boss wewe ni mgumu hizi ni roses 14, mwisho juu ya mvua ni 200”

    My friend bought them(The bargaining went on and on and on). Truth be told when I got home I did not even put them in a flower vase. They had been bought in bad taste-similar to wrapping flowers in a newspaper. They were not goods of obstinate value.

    Women like this goods because it means you took time to think about them. It is not the value in those goods per se but the thought and time you put into organizing for them. Women like vanity they like a partner who remembers that even though Valentines has been hyped it could  be a day worth celebrating.

    So this year don’t lie I did not remind you. Valentines day is on Friday (God must have thought it wiser incase you went out of town). Please go out and buy your girl something frivolous something you know she will like and put thought into it. You could have even dinner together or you would decide to cook. Whatever you do, do not wrap flowers in a newspaper. And like the guy who carried flowers in the basket someone might just remember the act 9 years later.

    Enjoy yourselves this Valentines.


    And men, well you could receive a gift and if you don’t, please remember you dudes do not like goods of obstinate value! We shall appreciate your thoughtful acts.

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